This documentary explores the legacy of one of the most notorious British sitcoms of all time. Launching alternative comedy onto our screens, the show made household names of its performers and writers and proved to be a huge influence, despite the BBC reportedly being baffled by what they'd commissioned back in 1982. Never before had a flagship comedy show contained so much violence, depravity and anarchy - it was a shot across the bow to mainstream comedians that things would never be the same again.
Unfortunately the movie How The Young Ones Changed Comedy is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Sean Doherty | Director |
Production | Zosia Alchimowicz | Producer |
Production | Nigel Alred | Producer |
Production | Sean Doherty | Producer |
Production | Joe McVey | Executive Producer |
Production | John Quinn | Executive Producer |
Camera | Jon Stapleton | Director of Photography |
Art | Joseph McCann | Art Direction |
Production | Nicola Breadin | Unit Production Manager |
Production | Emily McSorley | Production Manager |
Art | Martyn Kilvert | Graphic Designer |
Sound | Mike McGinn | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Cliff Reeves | Sound Mixer |
Camera | Connor Harris | Assistant Camera |
Editing | Craig Harbour | Editor |
Editing | Mark Heasman | Editor |
Editing | Dan Wilkes | Editor |
Production | Kristina Allen | Production Assistant |
Production | Jamie Barratt | Accountant |
Production | Sam Davies | Production Assistant |
Production | Kate McSwiney O'Rourke | Coordinating Producer |
Production | Jim Tanner | Researcher |