This multi-layered animation explores autobiographical memory and the cultural elements of our earliest childhood memory. Often episodic, this recollection of personally experienced past events often emerge from as early as three years old. After the age of five, these memories become elusive. A journey back to where it all began can be both beautiful and enlightening.
Unfortunately the movie Childhood Memories is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Mary Martins | Director |
Production | Deborah Lee | Executive Producer |
Production | Emma Cahusac | Executive Producer |
Production | Gillian Scothern | Executive Producer |
Crew | William Bishop-Stephens | Thanks |
Sound | Joel Cahen | Sound |
Sound | Davidson Lynch Shyllon | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | Mary Martins | Animation |
Crew | Mark Snowden | Thanks |
Writing | Mary Martins | Writer |
Visual Effects | Sophie Siebert | Animation |
Visual Effects | Katie Sommers | Animation |
Visual Effects | Bailey Dickenson | Animation |
Production | Helen Brunsdon | Executive Producer |