Kenichi Sonoda announced at Anime Central that he launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a new "Bean Bandit" anime. He confirmed that the project will meld elements of Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats, and like these previous works it will take place in Chicago.
Unfortunately the movie Bean Bandit is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Kenichi Sonoda | Producer |
Visual Effects | Shujirou Hamakawa | Animation Supervisor |
Sound | Hisayoshi Hirasawa | Sound Director |
Writing | Kenichi Sonoda | Author |
Writing | Kenichi Sonoda | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Kenichi Sonoda | Animation Director |
Directing | Kenichi Sonoda | Director |
Directing | Yu Aoki | Director |
Visual Effects | Keizo Shimizu | Character Designer |