Cartoon adaptation of the classic of world literature by Alexandre Dumas, which tells the dramatic odyssey of Edmond Dantes since he's unjustly accused and sentenced for life.
Unfortunately the movie The Count of Monte Cristo is not yet available on HBO Max.
Editing | Peter Jennings | Editor |
Writing | Alexandre Dumas | Novel |
Production | Joseph Barbera | Producer |
Art | Andrea Bresciani | Production Design |
Sound | Bob Young | Music |
Sound | William Hanna | Music |
Editing | Peter Addison | Editor |
Sound | Hoyt Curtin | Music |
Sound | Joseph Barbera | Music |
Editing | Ian Spruce | Editor |
Editing | Catherine MacKenzie | Editor |
Writing | Michael Robinson | Writer |
Production | Zoran Janjic | Associate Producer |
Directing | William Hanna | Director |
Directing | Joseph Barbera | Director |
Production | William Hanna | Producer |
Visual Effects | Warwick Gilbert | Animation |