Lea, an adventurous and free-spirited thirteen-year-old, lives in idyllic Upstate New York with her academic parents. On the day her family prepares to relocate to Houston, her life takes a drastic turn. Just before their departure, in a tragic misstep, Lea is goaded into a fight with fifteen-year-old Bill. Acting out of frustration, she gets hold of a gun and fires in Bill's direction, causing him to fall into a deep shaft. Without knowing what became of him, Lea is forced to leave with her family. Twelve years later... Lea, who has repressed the memory of those tumultuous events, is an emotional wreck. Her memories of that fateful evening slowly drift back and torment her.
Unfortunately the movie Unintended is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Anja Murmann | Director |
Writing | Anja Murmann | Writer |
Editing | Arnie Schlissel | Editor |
Production | Sabine Schenk | Producer |
Crew | James Carman | Cinematography |
Sound | Diego Reiwald | Production Sound Mixer |
Costume & Make-Up | Stephanie Powers | Costume Designer |
Art | Jaf Farkas | Production Design |
Art | Lili Teplan | Art Direction |
Sound | Spencer David Hutchings | Music |
Sound | Jacob Ribicoff | Sound Editor |
Sound | Jacob Ribicoff | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Sound | Jacob Ribicoff | Sound Designer |
Costume & Make-Up | Erica Pearce | Makeup Artist |
Visual Effects | Michael Hosenfeld | Visual Effects |
Sound | Chris Chae | Sound Re-Recording Mixer |
Costume & Make-Up | Jillian Daidone | Costume Designer |