Several short animated mini-stories based on the short stories and four-panel manga of Keiko Fukuyama, including My Father the Mouse, The Rabbit Brothers, Summer Secret, The Mysterious Fairy, How Very Strange, and Kuro.
Unfortunately the movie Fukuyama Theater: Summer Secret is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Michiyo Sakurai | Director |
Writing | Michiyo Sakurai | Storyboard |
Sound | Sadayoshi Fujino | Sound Director |
Art | Mariko Kadono | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Michiyo Sakurai | Character Designer |
Camera | Kinichi Ishikawa | Director of Photography |
Sound | Toshiyuki Watanabe | Music |
Visual Effects | Masafumi Yamamoto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Michiyo Sakurai | Key Animation |