The story begins in Anpanman World, where everybody is bustling around, getting ready for the annual Star Festival. On that day, an egg emerges from Baikinman's garbage box, and when it hatches, a mysterious boy named Kurun emerges from within. Though Kurun does not know where he came from, he spends his days having fun with everybody. But one day, black stars begin raining down. Anpanman thinks that something suspicious might be occurring at the Star of Life, and he heads there.
Unfortunately the movie Go! Anpanman: Shine! Kulun and the Stars of Life is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Hiroyuki Yano | Director |
Visual Effects | Atsuya Miura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kumiko Yamauchi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Eiichi Endo | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kasumi Hara | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kanae Komatsu | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Junko Abe | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Fumio Matsumoto | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Asuka Tsubuki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Chiyuki Tanaka | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Emiko Shimura | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Aya Kuki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Jun Kawagoe | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takahiko Shobu | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Toshihiro Uranaka | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yoshiharu Shimizu | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuuko Yoshida | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Miki Ogino | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Wataru Abe | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kenichi Shimizu | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Mao Torii | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Rie Nakajima | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Rei Masunaga | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Naomi Kaneda | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuri Takasaki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kenji Kodama | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yasuo Hoshina | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Takahisa Ichikawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kasumi Wada | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Shigetaka Kiyoyama | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Masashi Kaneko | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Noriko Ozeki | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Kinuko Izumi | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yuuji Nakao | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yusuke Shingu | Key Animation |