Based on a delinquent battle-themed video game series - a high school senior named Takashi the toughest fighter at Rashin High School. When he travels to Tokyo during a class field trip, he’s almost immediately attacked by a local thug. Takashi dispatches his opponent with ease, but he soon discovers gang leaders from all over Japan have gathered for a massive battle to determine who the toughest badass fighter is. During battle scenes, various recognizable fight moves from the game are incorporated for comic relief.
Unfortunately the movie Gekijô ban kenka banchô: Zenkoku seiha is not yet available on HBO Max.
Camera | Yasutaka Nagano | Director of Photography |
Sound | Hiroshi Ozaki | Music |
Crew | Gô Ohara | Stunt Coordinator |
Lighting | Jun Kodama | Gaffer |
Sound | Mutsunao Suzuki | Sound Mixer |
Production | Kyôsuke Ueno | Producer |
Production | Takafumi Ohashi | Executive Producer |
Visual Effects | Tsuyoshi Shôji | Visual Effects Supervisor |
Production | Shingo Ishikawa | Producer |
Directing | Tsuyoshi Shôji | Director |