At a social event, Pavel Grichikhin, a journalist and editor-in-chief of the online publication for women who have been subjected to domestic violence, sees a fragile, pale girl who whispers to him with one lips: “Help ...” Then she, taking some medications under the watchful supervision of her husband . Pavel understands that there is some kind of secret and decides, no matter what, to get to the bottom of the matter and save the girl ...
Unfortunately the movie Pobochnyy Effekt is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Ilya Neretin | Producer |
Production | Maksim Koroptsov | Producer |
Camera | Andrey Gurkin | Camera Operator |
Writing | Dmitriy Konstantinov | Writer |
Directing | Dmitriy Konstantinov | Director |
Production | Valery Todorovsky | Producer |
Sound | Darin Sysoev | Music |