Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.
Unfortunately the movie Elijah is not yet available on HBO Max.
Visual Effects | Kyounghee Lim | Character Designer |
Production | Richard Rich | Producer |
Sound | Lex de Azevedo | Music |
Visual Effects | Steven E. Gordon | Character Designer |
Writing | Brian Nissen | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Kamoon Song | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Young Kyu Rhim | Character Designer |
Directing | Richard Rich | Director |
Production | Jared F. Brown | Executive Producer |
Writing | Boyd Kirkland | Story Artist |
Visual Effects | John Celestri | Character Designer |
Directing | Gary Mouri | Layout |
Writing | Dan St. Pierre | Story Artist |
Production | Deibe Potter | Production Consultant |
Visual Effects | Chrystal Klabunde | Character Designer |
Production | Thomas J. Tobin | Production Manager |
Writing | Victor Dal Chele | Story Artist |
Visual Effects | Roy Meurin | Character Designer |
Production | Stephen W. Griffin | Co-Executive Producer |
Production | Terry L. Noss | Associate Producer |
Writing | Frank Paur | Story Artist |
Visual Effects | Bob Simmons | Animation |
Directing | Mike Hodgson | Layout |
Visual Effects | Boo Hwan Lim | Character Designer |
Art | Marzette Bonar | Background Designer |
Directing | Mark Hodgson | Layout |
Visual Effects | Lureline Kohler | Character Designer |
Visual Effects | Rolando Mercado | Animation |
Production | Bernie Van De Yacht | Production Consultant |
Visual Effects | Jeanette Nouribekian | Animation |
Art | Colene Riffo | Background Designer |
Editing | Randy Paton | Editor |
Editing | Armetta Jackson-Hamlett | Editor |
Art | Jim Coleman | Background Designer |
Production | Therese A. Alexus | Production Consultant |
Production | Gregory Daven | Production Consultant |
Art | John Dubiel | Art Designer |
Production | Helena Collins-Liuag | Production Consultant |
Crew | Colene Riffo | Scenic Artist |
Editing | James Koford | Editor |
Art | Donald Towns | Background Designer |
Production | Karen Real | Production Consultant |
Production | Ray Porter | Casting |
Production | Gary Jackson | Casting |