The story revolves around five boy who each possess a trait that have negative effects on them. The handsome boys owe a monetary debt to Sakiko Horinomiya, a girl from a rich family. Wanting the money back, she makes them enter the "Motemen Koshien" contest, so they can pay her back using the prize money.
Unfortunately the movie Kimi dake ni Motetainda. is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Akiko Waba | Writer |
Crew | Mari Okada | Script |
Directing | Shun Kudo | Director |
Art | Yoshimi Mineda | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Miho Tanaka | Color Designer |
Sound | Yasunori Ebina | Sound Director |
Writing | Mari Okada | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Tatsuo Nakajima | 3D Director |
Camera | Daiki Sugiyama | Director of Photography |
Visual Effects | Maziro | Character Designer |
Art | Masato Matsune | Graphic Designer |
Editing | Yuki Honda | Editor |