Based on the gag manga by Hisashi Eguchi. Originally released as a feature part of Studio Pierrot's video magazine show Anime V Comic Rentaman (アニメ・V・コミック レンタマン) along with Abashiri Ikka, Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijou and Akai Hayate.
Unfortunately the movie Hisashi Eguchi's Kotobuki Goro Show is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Hisashi Eguchi | Comic Book |
Art | Shinsaku Kozuma | Storyboard Artist |
Sound | Yusaku Yara | Theme Song Performance |
Sound | Fusanobu Fujiyama | Sound Director |
Directing | Osamu Nabeshima | Director |
Visual Effects | Yoshinori Kanada | Animation Director |