In the sixth installment of the Criterion Channel's Meet the Filmmakers series, director Alex Ross Perry (Her Smell, Listen Up Philip) visits the ever-iconoclastic auteur Paul Schrader during the making of his 2017 masterpiece First Reformed. On set and at home- where, for his own pleasure, he continues to work and rework his previous films- Schrader reflects on the highs and lows of his legendary career, the challenges and rewards of slow cinema, and the influences and experiences that continue to shape his approach to filmmaking. With this insightful portrait of one of his filmmaking heroes, Perry captures an artist who is continually at play, intentionally provocative, and never less than vital.
Unfortunately the movie Paul Schrader: Man in a Room is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Peter Becker | Executive Producer |
Directing | Alex Ross Perry | Director |
Production | Kim Hendrickson | Supervising Producer |
Production | Fumiko Takagi | Executive Producer |
Camera | Sean Price Williams | Director of Photography |
Camera | Ashley Connor | Director of Photography |
Camera | Adam Ginsberg | Director of Photography |
Editing | Stephen Gurewitz | Editor |
Art | Teddy Blanks | Title Designer |
Sound | Vasilis Fotopoulos | Sound Mixer |
Production | Craig Butta | Producer |
Sound | Craig Butta | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Alex Ross Perry | Sound Recordist |
Sound | Louis Miller | Sound Recordist |
Production | Jonathan Turell | Executive Producer |
Crew | Shayne Christiansen | Thanks |
Crew | Paul Schrader | Thanks |