Five short films where reality and modern characters are presented in unusual genre settings. In the comedy "Good Afternoon", the courier witnesses an unpredictable family quarrel. "Africa" is the story of a rapidly maturing girl's return to her eccentric and eternally young mother. "Update/Delete" will record the existence of an ordinary passerby in the lenses of several cameras throughout the day, and the nascent revolutionary spirit in the drama "Aquathlon" will turn out tragically. In the "House on the Head of a Clausewertz", a house begins to grow on the head of a lonely person.
Unfortunately the movie Russian Short. Issue 4 is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Alexey Shabarov | Director |
Directing | Alexey Ilyin | Director |
Directing | Grigory Kalinin | Director |
Production | Andrei Konchalovsky | Producer |
Directing | Dmitry Bulgakov | Director |
Directing | Anastasiya Shakhvatova | Director |
Directing | Olga Dibtseva | Director |