A movie recap of the Space Runaway Ideon TV Series. Humanity's pursuit of knowledge leads them to the planet Solo, where they find mysterious remains of a long dead alien civilization, including the 3 part super robot 'Ideon', and a powerful warship. Using these, the Earthlings sent to investigate the ruins defend themselves in their constant conflicts against powerful aliens called the Buff Clan, who are in pursuit of 'Id', the mysterious energy that powers the Ideon.
Unfortunately the movie Space Runaway Ideon: Contact is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Yoshiyuki Tomino | Director |
Visual Effects | Yuichi Higuchi | Mechanical & Creature Designer |
Sound | Koichi Sugiyama | Music |
Art | Mitsuki Nakamura | Art Direction |
Directing | Ryoji Fujiwara | Second Unit Director |
Art | Ryoji Fujiwara | Storyboard Artist |
Directing | Toshifumi Takizawa | Director |
Visual Effects | Yoshinobu Aohachi | Animation |
Visual Effects | Ichiro Itano | Animation |
Visual Effects | Toshiyuki Kubooka | Animation |
Writing | Sukehiro Tomita | Screenplay |
Writing | Yuji Watanabe | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Akemi Kobayashi | Animation |
Visual Effects | Naoyuki Onda | Animation |
Visual Effects | Moriyasu Taniguchi | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Tsuneo Ninomiya | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Masayuki Yagi | Animation |
Visual Effects | Yoshiteru Kobayashi | Animation |
Visual Effects | Saburo Sakamoto | Animation Director |
Visual Effects | Hiroyuki Kitazume | Animation |
Visual Effects | Eiichi Endo | Animation |
Visual Effects | Narumi Kakinouchi | Animation |
Writing | Hiroyasu Yamaura | Screenplay |
Visual Effects | Toshiki Hirano | Animation |
Writing | Yoshiyuki Tomino | Original Story |
Writing | Kenichi Matsuzaki | Screenplay |