This installment of the series produced by the acclaimed Nature team showcases the grandeur of the Emerald Isle. Going beyond the usual travelogue, the film takes viewers to places they've never been before so they can truly appreciate the natural treasures of the country: the lush plant life; the animal families that call the country home, including peregrine falcons and dolphins; and the magnificent countryside, from the mountains to the bogs.
Unfortunately the movie Ireland is not yet available on HBO Max.
Editing | Darren Flaxstone | Editor |
Production | Irene Tejaratchi Hess | Associate Producer |
Crew | Thomas Lovejoy | Creator |
Production | Patty Jacobson | Producer |
Production | Fred Kaufman | Executive Producer |
Production | Gianna Savoie | Associate Producer |
Crew | Doug Anderson | Cinematography |
Art | Sabina Daley | Art Direction |
Crew | George Page | Creator |
Crew | Robin Smith | Cinematography |
Writing | David Malakoff | Writer |
Production | Mary Hope Garcia | Producer |
Production | Karen Partridge | Producer |
Production | Jill Clarke | Producer |
Production | Janice Young | Supervising Producer |
Crew | Tony Allen | Cinematography |
Crew | Simon Niblett | Cinematography |
Sound | Ed Campbell | Sound Mixer |
Production | Julie Schapiro Thorman | Production Manager |
Sound | David Poore | Music |
Art | Olaus Roe | Graphic Designer |
Editing | Jay Slot | Online Editor |
Writing | Sophie Cooper | Script Editor |