In Rio de Janeiro, a successful yet underpaid young accountant lives with his pregnant wife in small apartment in middle class neighborhood of Copacabana. Unsatisfied with their way of life, the couple decides to accept the offer of becoming housekeepers of a rich man's vacation residence in a beach town.
Unfortunately the movie Vida, Vida is not yet available on HBO Max.
Camera | Mário Carneiro | Director of Photography |
Directing | Domingos de Oliveira | Director |
Writing | Domingos de Oliveira | Screenplay |
Sound | Domingos de Oliveira | Original Music Composer |
Editing | Marco Antonio Cury | Editor |
Costume & Make-Up | Colmar Diniz | Costume Design |
Production | Sérgio Backer | Executive Producer |
Production | Antônio Alkmim | Executive Producer |
Directing | Zenaider Rios | Assistant Director |