Pluto's kid brother, K.B., keeps getting into trouble. When Butch the bulldog passes by, K.B. latches onto him. Butch gets K.B. to crawl into a meat market through a small slot. Pluto comes along, they tussle and set off the burglar alarm, which brings the dogcatcher, who grabs Butch.
Unfortunately the movie Pluto's Kid Brother is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Charles August Nichols | Director |
Production | Walt Disney | Producer |
Visual Effects | George Nicholas | Animation |
Visual Effects | Jerry Hathcock | Animation |
Visual Effects | Robert W. Youngquist | Animation |
Visual Effects | Jack Boyd | Animation |
Art | Nino Carbe | Background Designer |
Writing | Harry Reeves | Story |
Writing | Jesse Marsh | Story |
Sound | Oliver Wallace | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Karl Karpé | Layout |