Years after moving to Tokyo with her parents, Hinako returns to her hometown in rural Shikoku. She soon learns that her childhood friend, Sayori, died several years ago and that Sayori's mother, who used to perform seances and exorcisms, has gone almost insane with grief. After seeing Sayori's ghost several times during the night, Hinako consults with some local experts on the paranormal and discovers that Sayori's mother has something planned for her daughter...
Unfortunately the movie Shikoku is not yet available on HBO Max.
Art | Yôhei Taneda | Production Design |
Sound | Satoshi Kadokura | Original Music Composer |
Directing | Shunichi Nagasaki | Director |
Editing | Yoshiyuki Okuhara | Editor |
Production | Masato Hara | Producer |
Writing | Takenori Sentô | Writer |
Production | Yasushi Tsuge | Producer |
Writing | Kunimi Manda | Writer |
Camera | Noboru Shinoda | Director of Photography |