Kusoh no kikai-tachi no naka no hakai no hatsumei is an animated short wirtten and directed by Hideaki Anno and produced by Studio Ghibli. It's a Ghibli Museum exclusive.
Unfortunately the movie The Invention of Imaginary Machines of Destruction is not yet available on HBO Max.
Crew | Kentaro Takahashi | Cinematography |
Visual Effects | Osamu Mikasa | Color Designer |
Directing | Hideaki Anno | Director |
Production | Toshio Suzuki | Producer |
Sound | Joe Hisaishi | Original Music Composer |
Production | Goro Miyazaki | Director of Operations |
Writing | Hideaki Anno | Screenplay |
Art | Yoji Takeshige | Background Designer |
Writing | Hayao Miyazaki | Author |
Writing | Hideaki Anno | Original Story |
Writing | Hideaki Anno | Story |