In Meiji-era Japan, a village of witches and wizards is slaughtered. Years later, an archaeologist discovers a mummy from the village, which reanimates, murders, then possesses his assistant. This evil spirit is now searching for Misa, who is protected by a survivor of the original massacre, known only as Saiga.
Unfortunately the movie Eko Eko Azarak II: Birth of the Wizard is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Shinichi Koga | Story |
Writing | Shimako Sato | Writer |
Directing | Shimako Sato | Director |
Production | Asayuki Imai | Producer |
Editing | Hiroshi Kawahara | Editor |
Sound | Mikiya Katakura | Original Music Composer |
Art | Kyodai Sakamoto | Production Design |
Production | Yoshinori Chiba | Producer |
Camera | Shoei Sudo | Director of Photography |
Crew | Takashi Yamazaki | Special Effects |