Yuka Shibuya, a struggling actress, and Hatsue, a widowed chestnut farmer, meet a mysterious, bloodied man in the farm. The three end up living together during chestnut season and form a special bond while a miracle slowly unfolds.
Unfortunately the movie Miracle in Kasama is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Manabu Fujii | Producer |
Sound | Yutaka Sao | Music Arranger |
Editing | Tarô Miyaoka | Editor |
Production | Yuko Nishio | Executive Producer |
Production | Hayato Mitsuishi | Producer |
Art | Hiroko Sato | Graphic Designer |
Directing | Hisashi Ueda | Director |
Writing | Yoshiyuki Morita | Writer |
Crew | Yuzuru Haruki | Cinematography |
Sound | Katsuichiro Ohta | Music Arranger |