A comedy written and Narrated by Jean Shepherd. The story involves several different events such as Ralph's first serious romance with his new neighbor, Randy playing a turkey in the school Thanksgiving Day play, The Old Man setting his sights on a yellow buick and the High School basketball rival game of the season.
Unfortunately the movie The Star-Crossed Romance of Josephine Cosnowski (a Tale of Gothic Love) is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Fred Barzyk | Director |
Writing | Jean Shepherd | Writer |
Production | Olivia Tappan | Producer |
Directing | Leigh Brown | Assistant Director |
Editing | Dick Bartlett | Editor |
Sound | Richard Bock | Sound |
Art | Linda Skipper | Art Direction |
Production | Alan Potter | Production Manager |
Production | Marilyn Greenstein | Coordinating Producer |
Production | Fred Barzyk | Executive Producer |
Production | Sue Presson | Associate Producer |
Camera | Peter Hoving | Director of Photography |
Lighting | Bob Lechterman | Lighting Design |
Writing | Jean Shepherd | Novel |