In a city inhabited by drawn beings, an indigenous boy witnesses a holographic appearance. It is the arrival of an entity of unknown materiality. With a mysterious presence and exotic allegories, it starts to enchant the residents, awakening their most insane senses.
Unfortunately the movie Magnética is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Valmor Pedretti | Music |
Visual Effects | Tobias Fuhr | Animation |
Visual Effects | Vinicius Machado | Animation |
Art | Marco Arruda | Art Direction |
Crew | Leonardo Brião | Second Unit Cinematographer |
Visual Effects | José Maia | Animation |
Visual Effects | Pilar Prado | Animation |
Visual Effects | Marco Arruda | Animation |
Directing | Gil Tuchtenhagen | Second Unit Director |
Visual Effects | Wesley Rodrigues | Animation |
Visual Effects | Josemi Bezerra | Animation |
Directing | Marco Arruda | Director |
Production | Gabriela Montezi | Producer |