As a single parent in an unfamiliar country, Ma’s entire life centers around raising Luan, her rambunctious young daughter. Likewise, Luan spends her childhood indulging in endless quality time with her playful, loving mother. However, as Luan grows up, it isn’t long before daily life interferes and causes mother and daughter to grow apart. By channeling their feelings into cooking, the two strive to find their way back to each other, one homemade meal at a time.
Unfortunately the movie Let's Eat is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Dixon Wong | Writer |
Editing | Cristiane Maia | Editor |
Sound | Max Loh | Music |
Directing | Dixon Wong | Director |
Production | Amy Kuo | Producer |
Editing | Amy Kuo | Editor |
Editing | Rachel Agana | Editor |
Camera | Andrea Goh | Director of Photography |
Editing | Dixon Wong | Editor |