A life marked by wandering. A character that leaves no traces or maps to trace. The file does not give an account of him. His works had no scripts and only existed in the fugacity of the moment. Jorge Bonino was an unclassifiable artist. He triumphed in all of Europe without a translator, he only used an invented language that everyone understood. An imaginary friend mapped the traces his body left in space through stories about a possible life.
Unfortunately the movie A Body Exploded into a Thousand Pieces is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Lorena Quevedo | Producer |
Production | Pablo Di Patrizio | Producer |
Production | Lorena Quevedo | Executive Producer |
Directing | Martín Sappia | Director |
Writing | Martín Sappia | Writer |
Crew | Ezequiel Salinas | Cinematography |
Crew | Carlos Vásquez Méndez | Cinematography |
Crew | María Aparicio | Cinematography |
Editing | Martín Sappia | Editor |
Sound | Atilio Sánchez | Sound |
Sound | Federico Disandro | Sound |