Based on renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki's same-titled short story collection, Ten Nights of Dreams brings ten fantastical dream sequences to film with great visual and psychological panache. Representing the combined efforts of eleven directors, this outstanding anthology delves into the surreal subconscious with ten madly imaginative, reality-subverting visions that range from wonderfully wacky to nightmarishly unsettling.
Unfortunately the movie Ten Nights of Dreams is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Kon Ichikawa | Director |
Directing | Akio Jissoji | Director |
Directing | Takashi Shimizu | Director |
Directing | Keisuke Toyoshima | Director |
Directing | Atsushi Shimizu | Director |
Directing | Miwa Nishikawa | Director |
Directing | Yoshitaka Amano | Director |
Directing | Nobuhiro Yamashita | Director |
Directing | Suzuki Matsuo | Director |
Writing | Suzuki Matsuo | Writer |
Writing | Shin'ichi Inotsume | Writer |
Writing | Keisuke Toyoshima | Writer |
Writing | Junya Kato | Writer |
Writing | Kenichiro Nagao | Writer |
Writing | Yudai Yamaguchi | Writer |
Camera | Akihiro Okabayashi | Director of Photography |
Camera | Masao Nakabori | Director of Photography |
Writing | Natsume Sōseki | Original Story |
Writing | Miwa Nishikawa | Writer |
Camera | Shu G. Momose | Director of Photography |
Camera | Tsukasa Tanabe | Director of Photography |
Writing | Teruhiko Kuze | Writer |
Camera | Shinya Kimura | Director of Photography |
Camera | Atsuhiro Nabeshima | Director of Photography |
Writing | Takashi Shimizu | Writer |
Camera | Yukio Isohata | Director of Photography |
Directing | Yudai Yamaguchi | Director |
Camera | Isao Ishii | Director of Photography |