Santa Company is an original work brought to life by Kenji Itoso. A short animation was released in 2014 after a successful crowdfunding campaign, followed by a feature-length version released in Japan in 2019. This work is a spin-off featuring some of the same characters. Upon their visit to a tropical island just below the equator, Mint and co. from Santa Company find themselves confronted with a mountain of ocean debris. Small acts of carelessness upon carelessness have, quite literally, piled up into a big problem—just what have Mint and the others gotten themselves into...? A splendid, yet strange, secret Christmas story.
Unfortunately the movie SANTA COMPANY ~Midsummer Merry Christmas~ is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Kenji Itoso | Screenplay |
Camera | Gaku Senda | Director of Photography |
Art | Josh Corpuz | Prop Designer |
Art | Yuki Nemoto | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Akira Nagasaka | Color Designer |
Visual Effects | Yoel Parmenas Purnomo Sidhi | CGI Director |
Editing | Mitsuki Hirose | Editor |
Sound | Masahiro Shoji | Sound Effects |
Production | Kenjiro Ishida | Producer |
Directing | Kenji Itoso | Director |
Sound | Nobuyuki Abe | Sound Director |
Visual Effects | Masashi Kudo | Character Designer |