Set in an oppressive future where the government controls the media, Ben Richards volunteers to participate in a deadly game show, which will see him hunted by professional killers over 30 days. Should he survive, he’ll win a cash prize that will help save his sick child and lift his family out of a horrid living situation.
Unfortunately the movie The Running Man is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Nira Park | Producer |
Production | Simon Kinberg | Producer |
Production | Audrey Chon | Producer |
Production | George Linder | Executive Producer |
Production | Edgar Wright | Producer |
Writing | Edgar Wright | Story |
Writing | Michael Bacall | Story |
Writing | Michael Bacall | Screenplay |
Directing | Edgar Wright | Director |
Writing | Stephen King | Novel |
Art | George Hull | Concept Artist |
Camera | Chung Chung-hoon | Director of Photography |