The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults is a two-hour live American television special that was broadcast in syndication on April 21, 1986, and hosted by Geraldo Rivera. It centered on the live opening of a secret vault in the Lexington Hotel in Chicago once owned by noted crime lord Al Capone.
Unfortunately the movie The Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Allan Grafman | Executive Producer |
Production | John Joslyn | Producer |
Production | Doug Llewelyn | Producer |
Editing | Jayme Wing | Editor |
Crew | Sherwin Tarnoff | Special Effects Coordinator |
Crew | Patricia J. Porter | Technical Advisor |
Directing | Bill Foster | Director |
Writing | Alex Pomasanoff | Writer |
Production | Christopher Kochoff | Associate Producer |
Production | Dara Marks | Production Executive |
Production | Linda Frank | Researcher |
Production | Michael Y. Graham | Researcher |
Sound | Dick Hamilton | Music |
Production | Laura Lyons | Producer's Assistant |
Lighting | Richard Brown | Lighting Director |
Production | Joseph Weiss | Post Production Coordinator |
Editing | Joel Hermann | Editor |
Editing | Bill Cox | Editor |
Editing | Kenneth Marangell | Editor |
Crew | Bob Strutzel | Technical Supervisor |
Crew | George Gorzelanczyk | Technical Supervisor |
Crew | Stephen Zaehler | Technical Supervisor |
Directing | Joseph Oher | Stage Director |
Directing | Peter Hoffman Kimball | Stage Director |
Lighting | Jerry Conrad | Lighting Director |
Camera | Darrell Rawson | Camera Operator |
Camera | Don Hall | Camera Operator |
Camera | Steve Wagner | Camera Operator |
Camera | Don Srenaski | Camera Operator |
Camera | Marc Claussen | Camera Operator |
Camera | Willie Sneed | Camera Operator |
Camera | Ted Ashton | Camera Operator |
Camera | Lowell Ryman | Camera Operator |
Camera | David Haylock | Camera Operator |
Camera | Guy Woolley | Camera Operator |
Camera | Jessie Pickett | Camera Operator |
Camera | John Bidstrup | Camera Operator |
Camera | Verne Blakeley | Camera Loader |
Camera | Russ Rodriguez | Camera Loader |
Camera | Rich Leigh | Camera Loader |
Sound | Jack Stocker | Sound |
Sound | Bob Kramer | Sound Assistant |
Sound | Bill Frost | Sound Assistant |
Sound | Leigh Shein | Sound Assistant |
Production | Felicity McKinney | Executive Assistant |
Production | Linda Arcari | Production Assistant |
Production | Chrissie Steffen | Production Assistant |
Production | Christine Weber | Production Assistant |
Production | Craig Smith | Production Accountant |
Production | Donna Grillo | Production Secretary |
Costume & Make-Up | Carol Imwie | Wardrobe Designer |
Art | Julia Laughlin | Graphic Designer |
Production | Timothy Samuelson | Researcher |
Production | Jack Kassewitz | Researcher |