A mysterious girl named Rita gathers heroes from Super Sentai teams to the planet Nemesis. The heroes are told that any wish they desire will come true if they can win the "Super Sentai Strongest Battle" tournament. A director's cut of the mini-series as a full-length feature.
Unfortunately the movie Super Sentai Strongest Battle Director's Cut is not yet available on HBO Max.
Writing | Naruhisa Arakawa | Writer |
Directing | Koichi Sakamoto | Director |
Sound | NoB | Theme Song Performance |
Production | Motoi Sasaki | Executive Producer |
Production | Chihiro Inoue | Producer |
Production | Ayumi Kanno | Producer |
Production | Kazuhiro Takahashi | Producer |
Production | Masayuki Yamada | Producer |
Production | Koichi Yada | Producer |
Production | Akihiro Fukada | Producer |
Sound | Go Sakabe | Music |
Sound | Koichiro Kameyama | Music |
Sound | Kosuke Yamashita | Music |
Sound | Kei Haneoka | Music |
Sound | Hiroshi Takaki | Music |
Sound | Kotaro Nakagawa | Music |
Sound | Eiji Kawamura | Music |