Tsukitaro, a young man who comes to Edo, meets a blind girl named Ochiyo. Ochiyo 's father, the grinder Yasujiro, was asked to sharpen a sword called Kongomaru, which was planned to be presented to the shogun Iemitsu, but he died due to a yakuza attack. In addition, the sword was stolen, and Ochiyo 's sister was also kidnapped... A humorous historical drama directed by Eiichi Kudo, starring Hibari Misora and Kotaro Satomi. Hibari Misora plays a male princess and shows off her charming appearance with stylish songs and dances.
Unfortunately the movie Yakuza Princess of Edo is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Masao Yoneyama | Music |
Directing | Eiichi Kudo | Director |
Writing | Shozo Nagato | Screenplay |
Writing | Kōji Takada | Screenplay |
Art | Hiroshi Kakui | Art Direction |
Editing | Shintarō Miyamoto | Editor |
Camera | Takeo Itō | Director of Photography |