A mockumentary series that resurrect the only 3 episodes of the series “Ai Ai Let's See with Gonçalo Almeida”, produced by the infamous host himself, before his disappearance.
Unfortunately the movie The First and Last Episodes of Gonçalo Almeida is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Rodrigo Oliveira | Producer |
Editing | David Remédios | Editor |
Editing | Gonçalo Almeida | Editor |
Editing | Alexandre Miguel Silva | Editor |
Writing | Alexandre Miguel Silva | Writer |
Camera | Rodrigo Oliveira | Director of Photography |
Writing | Gonçalo Almeida | Writer |
Production | Alexandre Miguel Silva | Producer |
Production | Gonçalo Almeida | Producer |
Directing | Gonçalo Almeida | Director |
Directing | Alexandre Miguel Silva | Director |
Production | Duarte Custódio | Executive Producer |
Production | David Remédios | Producer |
Crew | Gonçalo Almeida | Creator |
Production | Rodrigo Oliveira | Executive Producer |
Production | David Remédios | Executive Producer |
Production | Alexandre Miguel Silva | Executive Producer |
Production | Rui Carvalho | Executive Producer |
Production | Gonçalo Almeida | Executive Producer |