Animation for adults, consisting of three short stories: "The Most Beautiful" - about the female beauty of the past and the present, "Sweet Life" - about the contradiction between reality and the dreams of women, "The Deck" - about which place occupies a man in a woman's life.
Unfortunately the movie We Are Women is not yet available on HBO Max.
Sound | Viktor Shchyhol | Sound Director |
Visual Effects | Aleksandr Bubnov | Animation |
Writing | Svitlana Kutsenko | Script Editor |
Production | Borys Kalashnykov | Head of Production |
Sound | Antonio Vivaldi | Music |
Art | Nataliia Chernysheva | Art Direction |
Visual Effects | Oleksandr Lavrov | Animation |
Sound | Izrail Moizhes | Sound Director |
Production | Ivan Mazepa | Head of Production |
Directing | Olena Kasavina | Director |
Directing | Liudmyla Tkachykova | Director |
Writing | Natalia Huzieieva | Writer |
Writing | Olena Kasavina | Writer |
Camera | Oleksandr Mukhin | Director of Photography |
Camera | Anatolii Havrylov | Director of Photography |
Directing | Serguei Kouchnerov | Director |
Writing | Serguei Kouchnerov | Writer |
Art | Serguei Kouchnerov | Art Direction |
Sound | Vladimir Bystryakov | Original Music Composer |
Art | Eduard Kyrych | Art Direction |