This short film created by director Pyer Coffin is the story of Brad and Gary, two creatures living in an unknown world. The plot revolves around the big idea that joining forces to overcome one's shortcomings really is the only way out. Or in. Or maybe out again? It's also a tale about friendship, its ups and downs, ins and outs... This fresh look on solidarity was brought to life by the Illumination Mac Guff Studio, the team behind the success of Despicable Me.
Unfortunately the movie Brad & Gary is not yet available on HBO Max.
Production | Paul Ashdown | Producer |
Art | Eric Guillon | Production Design |
Editing | Soline Guyonneau | Editor |
Directing | Pierre Coffin | Director |
Production | Janet Healy | Producer |
Production | Jean-Luc Florinda | Associate Producer |
Production | Chris Meledandri | Producer |
Sound | Heitor Pereira | Original Music Composer |