Tragicomic road movie set during the Edo period. It follows a samurai, his two servants – including spear-carrier Genpachi – and the various people they meet on their journey, including a policeman in pursuit of a thief, a young child and a woman who is to be sold into prostitution.
Unfortunately the movie Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Tomu Uchida | Director |
Sound | Taichiro Kosugi | Original Music Composer |
Costume & Make-Up | Masanobu Hayashi | Makeup Artist |
Writing | Toshio Tamikado | Writer |
Editing | Shintarō Miyamoto | Editor |
Camera | Sadaji Yoshida | Director of Photography |
Writing | Shintarō Mimura | Writer |
Directing | Asaji Tomita | Assistant Director |
Art | Takatoshi Suzuki | Art Direction |
Production | Hiroshi Ookawa | Executive Producer |
Writing | Fuji Yahiro | Writer |
Sound | Kenjirō Tōjō | Sound Recordist |