Deceased but not forgotten. In 2017, Switzerland's most famous mountaineer, "Swiss Machine" Ueli Steck, fell to his death in the Himalayas when he was just 40 years old. Three close friends travel again to the Everest region where he died. His family in Emmental has to deal with premature death.
Unfortunately the movie Ueli Steck – Auf schmalem Grat is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Jacqueline Schwerzmann | Director |
Crew | Sam Gyger | Cinematography |
Crew | Daniel Leippert | Cinematography |
Crew | Robert Bösch | Cinematography |
Crew | Brett Lowell | Cinematography |
Crew | Christophe Raylat | Cinematography |
Crew | Otmar Schmid | Cinematography |
Sound | Olivier Jeanrichard | Sound |
Sound | Bänz Isler | Sound |