The film follows a rebellious teen named Cassie Vanderbilt, whose wild streak escalates as her caring father Lucas decides to take her and his new wife Sarah out of the city for some bonding and quality time together. But after Cassie crosses the infamous McKinley family, it becomes clear that sometimes danger lies hidden in the weeds, ready to strike at any moment.
Unfortunately the movie Ash and Bone is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Harley Wallen | Director |
Camera | Max Hayden | Key Grip |
Sound | Matt Baum | Sound Mixer |
Production | Joe Williamson | Associate Producer |
Production | Harley Wallen | Producer |
Writing | Bret Miller | Writer |
Production | Annette Cama | Executive Producer |
Production | John Lepper | Executive Producer |
Production | Lexi Eve Cama | Co-Executive Producer |
Production | Angelina Danielle Cama | Co-Executive Producer |
Editing | Alex Gasparetto | Editor |
Production | Kaiti Wallen | Producer's Assistant |
Sound | Simone Cilio | Original Music Composer |
Production | Nancy Oeswein | Co-Producer |
Production | Adam Whitton | Executive Producer |