In Venezuela, amidst a backdrop of poverty, murder, and corruption, the El Sistema youth orchestra offers children hope and the opportunity to pursue a life of art in spite of the harshness of the society around them. Yet the country’s spiraling collapse and political repression threatens the musicians’ dreams of a better life.
Unfortunately the movie Children of Las Brisas is not yet available on HBO Max.
Directing | Marianela Maldonado | Director |
Production | Luisa de la Ville | Executive Producer |
Production | Sally Jo Fifer | Executive Producer |
Production | Lois Vossen | Executive Producer |
Production | Sandie Viquez Pedlow | Executive Producer |
Production | Luc Martin-Gousset | Co-Producer |
Production | Andy Glynne | Co-Producer |
Camera | Robin Todd | Director of Photography |
Editing | Ricardo Acosta | Editor |
Editing | Mike Magidson | Editor |
Sound | Nascuy Linares | Music |
Editing | Carolina Aular | First Assistant Editor |
Editing | Raphaëlle Dufosset | Colorist |
Writing | Marianela Maldonado | Writer |
Writing | Ricardo Acosta | Co-Writer |
Writing | Jessica Wenzelmann | Co-Writer |