Mystery Diagnosis is a television program that airs on the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. Each episode focuses on two or more individuals and their struggles to find out what ailments they suffer from. As the program's title suggests, doctors have a difficult time finding a diagnosis, often due to nonspecific symptoms, the rarity of the condition or disease, or the patient's case being an unusual manifestation of said condition or disease.
The series debuted on Discovery Health Channel in 2005, and was continued when the Oprah Winfrey Network replaced Discovery Health on January 1, 2011; the current season premiered January 5, 2011.
Surgery Saved My Life is a documentary series which aired for two years on the Discovery Channel. It is a medical show that features people with life-threatening health problems. The cameras follow the patients as they undergo surgery and the doctors as they prepare for and follow through on the life-saving operations.
Dr. Know is a program dedicated to debunking various rumours and popular misconceptions in the realm of personal health. The show featured Dr. Paul Trotman, a New Zealand physician in fields such as internal medicine and obstetrics/gynecology, who is described by one reviewer as a "medical myth buster". The show aired in 20 parts as a half-hour format on The Discovery Health Channel. In 2008, the series began airing on Science Channel. It is filmed in and around Washington, D.C.
Runway Moms is an American reality television program created for the Discovery Health Channel. It is a documentary style show profiling women that work for Expecting Models, a modeling agency that specializes in pregnant models and actresses.
Each episode highlights a different model mom-to-be and her unique pregnancy and birth story. The models are followed on their photo shoots and share their prenatal secrets to staying fit and glamorous. Agency owner Liza Elliott-Ramirez, mother of two, acts as both an agent and confidant for the models.
Runway Moms was broadcast on the Discovery Health Channel in the United States, the Discovery Channel in Australia, and on Discovery Home & Health in southeast Asia.
Strictly Dr. Drew is a television show hosted by Loveline host Dr. Drew Pinsky. The format is very similar to Dr. Drew's previous show, "Strictly Sex with Dr. Drew," but deals with more general health issues rather than sexual ones. Because the subject matter is less objectionable, the show is featured at an earlier airtime than "Strictly Sex", and features fewer "Viewer Discretion" warnings. It commonly features regular people who have experienced whatever the topic may be, alongside experts on the subject, who give their professional opinion.