Straight through Belgium is a 4-part adventurous television show, created by television-creator Arnout Hauben. Together with Philippe Niclaes (camera) and Ruben Callens (drone and sound) Hauben follows the GR129, the longest signposted hiking-trail in Belgium. The trail is 500 kilometers long and goes all the way through Belgium from Bruges to Aarlen. Arnout, Philippe and Ruben go "back to basics" for this show and travel with backpack and tents. They complete the trail in 23 days, travelling about 20 km per day.
Along the way, Arnout Hauben stops at several special locations with each its own story. He tells stories about Belgian history, but also about lesser-known "petites histoires".
Exclusive look behind the scenes at the crisis centre of the Belgian federal government service of interior affairs. Follow how the policy makers, governments, and operational services work together to ensure everyone in the country – from citizen to visitor, from festivalgoer to king – can feel safe.
Four part documentary series about four young cyclo-crossers hoping to fill the gap Sven Nys left behind after retiring in 2016: Wout van Aert (22), Mathieu van der Poel (21), Laurens Sweeck (23) en Eli Iserbyt (19).