The dark secrets behind Himuro Gentoku's machinations and eventual redemption...
Three years ago, Gentoku, head of the Touto Institute of Advanced Matter Physics, tries to convince his old friend and Touto Prime Minister aide Koji Hotei that Touto needs to strengthen their military in order to face the threat Hokuto and Seito represent. After Hotei dismisses him, Gentoku is made aware of a certain researcher.
During the Edo period, the eighth Tokugawa shōgun, Yoshimune, officially had 17 families of oniwaban, his private ninja guards. They were known as "The Secret 18th Group." Months after Yoshimune's death, his fourth son, Hitotsubashi, asks Kane Ametaro, a hairdresser, to put the group back together. The other members of the secret 18th group include Miki, a doctor; Otojirō, a chef; and Inokichi, an acrobat. The group members have their doubts and internal conflicts about how to live their lives as "secret agents," but when various injustices occur in Edo... they have no other option but to unite and begin clearing the darkness together.
A murder occurs at a party hosted by Dr. Aida's former students (mostly women), most of whom live in Kanagawa Prefecture. Dr. Aida is invited to the party and, at the request of his former students, decides to become involved in the case. Soon after, detectives from the local police department arrive (always accompanied by the chief of police), and a little later, Lieutenant Suda from the Fujisawa North Police Station (now the Yokohama Port Police Station) arrives to begin questioning the people involved (Dr. Aida secretly overhears this). The murders continue and the case becomes more and more confusing. Dr. Aida gets hints from the tools of the ancients that he has unearthed, and unravels the trick that was used to commit the crimes. The birth secrets of the people involved are the key to the case, and Dr. Aida (or Suda) always visits the obstetrics and gynecology clinic in the interview scene in the middle of the story.
This series centered on Melmo, a nine-year-old girl whose mother is killed in an auto accident and has to then take care of her two younger brothers (Totoo and Touch). While in Heaven, the children's mother is given one wish. Her wish is that Melmo (the oldest out of her 3 children ) will be allowed to grow up more quickly than usual, since their lives as children will be difficult without their parents.
25-year-old Kazahaya Kyoko is appointed to head an investigative division of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, called the Nasi Goreng Division. She is an unconventional division head who believes that an entire investigation can be done in a room and completely rejects the “Showa” concept of legwork. Although Kyoko practically never leaves her room for an investigation, she is able to solve many difficult cases with her remarkable insight and deductive powers. Then things begin with the appearance of the middle-aged Ishinabe Kanta who has finally fulfilled his long-cherished dream to become a detective with his assignment to the Nasi Goreng Division. Ishinabe is full of enthusiasm but even though he appeals to Kyoko about his strength for legwork, she cuts him off and dismisses hot-blooded idiots as unnecessary.
Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden Victory or Bomberman B-Daman Bakugaiden V is a Coro Coro Comic series by Koichi Mikata, based on Bomberman and B-Daman. The animated television series is broadcast on Nagoya TV. V stands for "Victory" but the anime is also based on the 5th BB-daman manga.
While traveling to a hot spring to relieve her heartbreak with her best friend Mizuki, she encounters two men: Narita and Ayumu. Because they met, Hana realizes what her flaws are and tries her best to improve upon her flaws. This is a story of friendship, jealousy, betrayal, and conflict!
Chika Tsuchiya is a female detective in the former accounting department. It's a habit never let go of the calculator & always convert things into money.
The legendary suspense series that got one of the highest audience ratings. The main character, Akiko Ishizaki, is a housekeeper dispatched to an upstream family. Her pleasure was to peek into the hidden secrets and misfortunes of an ideal home that seemed to be happy at first glance...