Time Shock, is a game show airing in Japan. Its original run, titled Quiz Time Shock, was from 1969 to 1986; a revival aired from 1989 to 1990. A second revival, Time Shock 21, ran from 2000 to 2002. Afterwards, a series of periodic specials titled Time Shock aired from 2002 through 2007, plus one in 2007 titled New Time Shock. The most recent revival, Super Time Shock, debuted in 2008.
Can! Jani: Kanjani Eight's Great Plan to Save the Planet Earth was a Japanese TV variety that aired every Saturday on TV Asahi. The show ran from October 4, 2008 to September 26, 2009 for a total of 49 episodes. It had suffered from frequent time changes before settling for the 3:00pm time slot. The show was created after the high success of their two previous television specials that aired on TV Asahi, Dadaiyaman and Dadaiyaman Z. Its slogan first was, " For the world's sake, for the people's sake! " but it changed to " Can We Do It? Yes We Can! ", a play on the show's title as well as on Barack Obama's campaign slogan after he had won the U.S. presidential election.
Can! Jani, as its commonly referred to, is a show in which Kanjani Eight were given assignments from Command Can to help better assist and save the planet earth. Each assignment, given to the show by its viewers, ranged from hiking in the woods to downtown Tokyo apartment guides. At the end of each episode Command Can would then give his score to the
Kanpani was a Japanese TV game show where members of the group Kanjani8 tackled different tasks assigned by the unseen president of the company. The show aired every Wednesday on TV Asahi from 01:36 AM to 01:51 AM from 7 October 2009 to 31 March 2010.
Super Morning is a weekday morning news program airing on TV Asahi, a television station in Japan. It was first broadcast on 5 April 1993, and currently airs from 08:00 to 09:55 Mondays to Fridays.