A shameless absurd comedy about the generational conflict between young people who carry the weight of the new economic crisis and the powerful baby boomers who have no intention of giving up their luxury lifestyle. Generation B. follows six young people trying to survive in the metropolis that is Brussels. Jonas’s once perfect life has disintegrated, leaving him homeless, jobless and without his girlfriend Brulletje. When he meets underground guru Sebastiaan who wants to unleash a revolution against the baby boomers, everything reaches a boiling point….
Sofie Lemaire and Bent Van Looy take an open, eager and curious look at culture and cultural events. Culture in the broadest sense of the word, live from the heart of Antwerp, Belgium with weekly guests from home and abroad, concerts and performances.
Bullying remains one of the most underestimated social problems. Recent research shows that 1 in 3 young people between the ages of 10 and 12 indicate that they have already been the victim of bullying. The long-term consequences are comparable to those of (sexual) inappropriate behavior, violence and war trauma.
Gilles De Coster invites a new professional group to his discussion table: the war reporters. In times of war at the European borders with rampant propaganda, their work becomes increasingly complex and crucial. Eight war reporters testify candidly about their special job. Special attention is paid to, among other things, the myths surrounding war reporting, the moral dilemmas of the profession and the impact of the journalistic mission on one's own life. Gilles De Coster delves into people and professions with Rudi Vranckx, Robin Ramaekers, Daphne Wesdorp, Dirk Draulans, Hans Jaap Melissen, Daniel Demoustier, Eddy van Wessel and Marleen Daniëls.