Canadian Idol was a Canadian reality television competition show which aired on CTV, based on the British show Pop Idol. The show was a competition to find the most talented young singer in Canada, and was hosted by Ben Mulroney. Jon Dore was the "roving reporter" for the first three seasons. Elena Juatco assumed the role for season four, Dave Kerr had the role in season five and Jully Black in season six.
The show began with a cross-Canada tour in which singers audition in front of four judges: Jake Gold of Toronto, Sass Jordan of Montreal, Quebec, Zack Werner of Winnipeg, Manitoba, and Farley Flex of Ajax, Ontario. Eventually the performers were narrowed down to 10 finalists, with each competitor performing live. Viewers had two hours following the broadcast of the show to phone in their votes for their favourite competitor. On the following night's episode, the competitor with the fewest votes was sent home. After the final two perform, viewers had more than two hours to vote. The next day, the competitor with
Night Heat was a Canadian police drama series. It starred Allan Royal as journalist Tom Kirkwood, who chronicled the nightly police beat of detectives Kevin O'Brien and Frank Giambone in an unnamed northeastern North American metropolis. The police crime drama series aired on both CTV in Canada and CBS in the United States from 1985 to 1989. Night Heat was conceived by Sonny Grosso, a former New York City Police Department detective. Grosso served as the show's executive producer along with his partner, Larry Jacobson.
The day-to-day life of two unwilling partners of the Montreal Police Department, Officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier. These two beat cops patrol the urban sprawl of downtown's 19th district, in cruiser No. 2. 19-2 is about the tensions and bonds that develop between two incompatible men of very different temperaments and life experiences. Over time, Nick and Ben's mistrust and antagonism for each other give way to moments of mutual respect and a wavering chance at a true partnership.
A team of Vancouver investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, sets out to uncover the motive of each puzzling murder by discovering the killer's connection to the victim. Viewers get a glimpse of the killer before and after the crime is committed.
Constable Benton Fraser, an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, is attached to the Canadian consulate but works with Chicago Police Department to solve crimes.
Years ago, the Taelons came to Earth, offering friendship and technology to humanity. But there are those who believe the Taelons have more sinister motives.
Cold Squad is a Canadian police procedural television series first broadcast in 1998 that followed the investigations of a part of the Vancouver Police Department Homicide Division tasked with solving cold cases, the titular Cold Squad, as led by Sergeant Ali McCormick.
The cast of Cold Squad was diverse and changing, McCormick being the only character to appear in all 7 seasons. Some notable series regulars include Detective Tony Logozzo in seasons 1-2, Sgt. Frank Coscarella in seasons 3-4, Sgt. Len Harper in seasons 5-7, Insp. Vince Schneider season 1, Insp. Simon Ross season 2, Insp. Andrew Pawlachuk seasons 3-7, Det. Mickey Kollander seasons 3-6, Det. Nicco Sevallis seasons 3-6, Christine Wren seasons 4-7, as well as Det. Samantha Walters and Const. Ray Chase in season 7.
Between the second and third seasons, almost the entire on-screen cast other than Julie Stewart were replaced. This along with the new sets, a significant revamp of the credits and theme music, and even having McCormick's hair change from au
Dr. Bashir Hamed, a Syrian doctor with battle-tested skills in emergency medicine, makes the difficult decision to flee his country and build a new life in Canada with his younger sister Amira. Bash works to navigate a new environment after earning a coveted residency in the Emergency Department of one of the best hospitals in Toronto, York Memorial.
When Charlie Harris ends up in a coma, he leaves the Hope-Zion Hospital in chaos - and his fiancée and fellow surgeon, Alex Reid, in a state of shock. As the staff of Hope-Zion races to save lives, comatose Dr. Harris wanders the halls of Hope-Zee in "spirit" form, not sure if he's a ghost or a figment of his own imagination.
Follow the operations of Jamie Davis Motor Truck, a heavy vehicle rescue and recovery towing company based in Hope, British Columbia focusing on the hardships of operating along the highways of the BC Interior, especially the Coquihalla Highway, which is notorious for rapidly changing weather.
Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.
The Strategic Response Unit (SRU) is an elite team of cops who specialize in high-risk critical incidents. Trained in tactics and psychology, they deal with extreme situations, where split-second decisions could save a life...or cost one.
Homicide detective Tess Avery, diagnosed as blind, teams up with Sunny Patel, a remote guide, to solve crimes. Using tech and trust, they tackle cases while challenging notions of ability and boundaries.
Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impaired woman who has a special gift and goes to work for the FBI in Washington, D.C. She's one hard-headed, soft-hearted woman whose talent for reading lips helps crack crimes and bag the bad guys in places listening devices can't penetrate. With her hearing-ear dog, Levi, Sue's a glutton for jeopardy – and there's (almost) nothing she won't do to bring notorious criminals to justice. This remarkable, edge-of-your-seat drama is an inspiring tribute to the ability of the human spirit to overcome adversity and achieve great things.
In this adaptation of Homer's timeless epic, Armand Assante stars as Odysseus, the warrior King of the mythical island of Ithaca, who must endure a decade long quest to reach home after the Trojan war, overcoming savage monsters, powerful forces of nature, and seductive nymphs, and he must outsmart them all, with all the guile and intellect he can muster.
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but she’s shocked when she learns she won the whole darn thing! Now, with a recording contract, a soon-to-be released single and a mega-crush on her producer, Jude’s wading through a world bigger than her wildest rock n’ roll dreams. Thrust into the spotlight, Jude is desperate to prove she belongs there…but she’s not even old enough to drive.