Crazy Cottage was a children's game show created by Paul Zenon, produced by Action Time for Carlton and broadcast on ITV from 4 April 1996 to 29 May 1998. It was first presented by Rick Adams, followed by Jez Edwards with a puppet cuckoo called Vera. The gimmick of the show was that most things had to be performed backwards.
The show started with the presenter saying "goodbye", then starting the games at Round 5. One of the rounds involved a series of actions that had to be performed in a certain order, so that when it was played back in reverse, it matched what they were asked to do. Another round was a kitchen set up on a slope, but appeared to the viewers as a normal room.
At the end of the programme, the winning team won a prize, such as a trip to Alton Towers. The losing team would win a backwards invention, for example, a black lightbulb.
Let's Roll with Roland Butter is a TV series on CITV made in 2004 but for only one series. The show was written by and starring Peter Cocks as a tubby teenager who is obsessed with sport and tries out many different activities every week. Naturally, none of this goes according to plan.
The episodes were supposedly filmed by Roland's best friend, Keef.
Since the show stopped broadcasting in 2004, it hasn't been repeated.
Prove It! is an educational children's TV series presented by Joe Challands and Jamie Rickers. It is an entertainment programme focusing on the illustration of scientific facts, while raising the question of whether a certain claim can be empirically verified. The programme can usually be seen on the CITV. Regular segments include the 60 Second Prove It!, where a presenter attempts to perform a task in 60 seconds to prove it is possible, Fred's Shed where Fred Talbot shows how to use simple home items to perform various fun and interesting experiments and U Prove It, where viewers demonstrate their unusual skills.
Prove It! is an original format by GeronimoTV and was co-produced with STV Productions.
C.A.B. is a British television programme which was produced by Thames Television for Children's ITV. The drama revolved around Colin Freshwater and Franny Barnes and the strange happenings in their junk shop. The show ran for three series, which were broadcast in the UK between 1986 and 1989.