Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.
The Arkadians are a civilization that survived a great cataclysm and moved to the center of the earth, thriving under the power of their artificial sun, The Tehra, until one day it began to fail. In desperation, the Arkadians broke the ancient law and entered the Forbidden Archives to search for an answer. They used their special powers and created a messenger to the people above, naming her Arkana. She meets up with Matt and Rebecca, two ordinary kids from the surface world, Bic and Bac, two strange anteaters from Arkadia, and Spartakus, a mysterious warrior. Together they search the worlds of the strata for a way to save a people and possibly the world.
Letters in the mess ... Who will find the longest word? Mixed numbers ... Who will solve the mathematical operation and exclaim "the account is good"? TV game based on math and vocabulary skills of candidates.