Wattoo Wattoo Super Bird is a French cartoon series created in 1978. Consisting of 60 five-minute episodes, the series was intended to teach morals to children.
Georges Lancier is a former mercenary for hire. After he retires from business, he gets trapped in a complex conspiracy involving a diamond heist, international financiers, and struggle for political power in an imaginary African country.
Written by Alphonse Boudard, Le Mythomane had its origins in an episode of the 1979 series Histoires de voyous directed by Michel Wyn. The TV series tells the story of the daily lives of common petty thieves. This nice little gang consisted of Aunt Victoire, a “baroness” of the underhanded (Suzy Delair), Fernand, a gutsy rascal from the slums (Jacques Balutin) and Norbert Beaufumé (Francis Perrin), a petulant con artist whose pathological lying has driven him to maintaining two separate families. TV mini series