Clémentine was a 1985 French animated television series. The series consisted of 39 episodes which featured the fantastic adventures of a 10-year-old girl who uses a wheelchair. The show was produced by "IDDH", a company that originally started out producing French-dubbed versions of Japanese anime. It originally aired on Antenne 2. The series was released on VHS in 1990 and on DVD in 2006.
Written by Alphonse Boudard, Le Mythomane had its origins in an episode of the 1979 series Histoires de voyous directed by Michel Wyn. The TV series tells the story of the daily lives of common petty thieves. This nice little gang consisted of Aunt Victoire, a “baroness” of the underhanded (Suzy Delair), Fernand, a gutsy rascal from the slums (Jacques Balutin) and Norbert Beaufumé (Francis Perrin), a petulant con artist whose pathological lying has driven him to maintaining two separate families. TV mini series
Paris, 1925. Bénédict Masson, bookbinder and poet, is secretly in love with his neighbor, Christine. Christine works at the strange Coulteray mansion where the marquise accuses her husband of being a vampire. But Bénédict has other preoccupations: six of his apprentices have disappeared without a trace.