At Phoenixsee, an artificial lake in the southern part of Dortmunds, two worlds collide between modern apartments for the rich while the old-established working class is living just a few blocks away. The newly-rich Hansmann family just moved here from Düsseldorf while the Neuraths have been living in Dortmund for their whole life. As their children are attending the same school and play in the same soccer team, the families and their problems become entangled.
Ein Herz und eine Seele is a German cult sitcom based on the British sitcom Till Death Us Do Part by Johnny Speight. The show premiered on January 15, 1973 and lasted for about twenty episodes, airing its last on November 4, 1974. In 1976, the show had a short-lived revival with another four episodes. Ein Herz und eine Seele was written by Wolfgang Menge.
The show was extremely successful during its initial run and it still proves very popular in reruns. Two episodes in particular, Silvesterpunsch and Rosenmontagszug have gained such popularity that they are now shown traditionally on German TV on New Year's Eve and Rosenmontag, respectively.