In a dark void known as the Lightless Realm, a group of children meet and bond, but are then separated and returned to their own dimension. Years later, these children reunite to fight "Admonitions," monsters that originate from the same void, using robots known as "Vess." However, their efforts only slow the ever-encroaching and expanding Lightless Realm from infecting their world.
Their lives take a drastic turn when a new foe appears in the form of a "Corpse," whose song is rumored to kill any who hear it within nine days. The "Corpse Song" is heard by the group, and with this, they each begin to pull away and become caught up in their own personal problems—ultimately threatening the fate of humanity.
When a half-beast mercenary teams up with a witch who is in search of a magical tome that can destroy the world, a grand adventure ensues. Despite his hatred of witches, he enters an agreement that shewill make him human once she reaches her goal.
In 2030, Japan. A virus has infected humans throughout the world. Infected people turn into different forms of monsters based on their ages, sexes and races. The virus is named 'Gibia' - after being rich in variety like gibia. Just then, a pair of samurai and ninja appeared in such a blighted wasteland of Japan. They both traveled from the early Edo period, fighting together with help from a doctor who tries to find cure for Gibia. Facing ceaseless attacks from Gibias, and outlaws that attack travelers for food, they start the dangerous journey with enemies all around.
Subaru is a young girl who discovers that her best friend Aoi is part of magical group trying to gather engine fragments so that a little being from Pleiades can return to his home. Subaru considers joining them as she was chosen by the Pleiadian, president of this afterschool club.
The school love story is set at Baramon High School, a private boys' school for the prefecture's most elite. The protagonist is a seventeen year old boy who transfers into the school and meets various major players on campus, such as the outlaw teacher, the soccer captain, and a childhood friend whom the protagonist has not seen for seven years. The school presents opportunities for friendship, love and conflict, and changes are now bound to happen in the main character's life.
The series is a historical drama aesthetically and boldly adapting the life of Oda Nobunaga in his teens up to his time as a warlord against his brother, Nobuyuki.
The story follows Ani, a princess from the minor nation of Inako. Ani is sent to the signing ceremony that will bring peace to the rival nations of Mildonia, a mighty military country, and Selenfaren, a powerful theocracy. Ani is supposed to help steer the signing ceremony along, but she runs into trouble when she encounters a handful of obstinate princes.
Ometsuke Asahina Kawachinokami Masakiyo - holds the position of inspector overseeing the daimyo on behalf of the shogun and the council of elders. When signs of rebellion appear in various areas across Japan, while receiving a secret order from Elder Tsuchiya Sagaminokami, Asahina hides her identity and heads to the area as a secret magistrate and crushes the evil that is plaguing the world with her ruthless hand.
Onigiri thrusts its players into mystical Japan, a land filled with mythical creatures of Japanese legend. Starting as a lone Oni, players fight against the malevolent influence of the Kamikui as their miasma spreads over the land. 8 NPCs, each with their own distinct personality and skills, ally themselves with the player to help build a legend, and quell the evil that has arisen. As you grow stronger together, so do the bonds binding you to each other.
Set in a hospital police box that deals with patient disputes, complaints, and other various duties, the story centers on Murai Osamu, a hospital-internal detective, and Sakakibara Shunsuke, a genius surgeon, who clash over their differing interpretations of what "justice" means.
Adapted from the bestselling Japanese autobiography of the same title, the gentle coming-of-age drama Tokyo Tower - Mom and Me and Sometimes Dad concerns an adolescent boy (Kamiki Ryunosuke), Boku - Masaya, torn between the inherited recklessness of his father Oton and the inherited responsibility, wisdom and emotional strength of his mother Okan. Following a period of intensely rebellious behavior, Boku learns that his mom has contracted cancer; suddenly, his mother comes to live with him in Tokyo the entire emotional landscape of his life is altered.
A locksmith who can open any kind of lock with his well-honed fingertip skills is caught up in a case in which his nephew is put in danger just because he played a role in exposing political bribery due to his special skills, and his love for his sister-in-law.
Jotaro Fukamachi is a poor middle-aged detective who live separated with wife and children. He rent the office in second floor of the building owned by beautiful dentist Reiko Sugimoto (Eriko Sato).
Director Mitsuo Iso, winner of numerous awards for his anime series "Dennou Coil," presents his latest original anime "The Orbital Children."
Set in the year 2045, when the development of AI has made it possible for anyone to go to outer space, this near-future story is about children who are left behind on a space station due to an accident and face an imminent crisis.
We will closely observe the passionate production of the animation prior to the film's release! We will tell you all about the charms of the remarkable work "The Orbital Children"!
The forbidden technique of "Dark Shinri-Jutsu" (aka "Dark Psychology") is a method of using casual conversation, hints, words and behaviour to manipulate the thoughts and emotions of others to control them as you wish whether that be to good and innocent ends or to satisfy even the darkest desires of the heart.
Japanese railroads documentary series. Each episode presents an important train model, line, or station. Full of historical and engineering information, this program reflects on 150 years of rail transport in Japan.